Friday, October 28, 2011

The "C" word

Today I went in for my follow up appointment so the surgeon could make sure my incision from the biopsy was healing well. And, it is!! He also had the results. Drum roll please..........I have Primary Mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma. It's HIGHLY treatable. Very good news! At least I think it is. The treatment, Chemo.

Chemo. It sounds so daunting. I'd rather think that maybe a magic powder dust or a magical kiss from my Prince will make this mass....disappear. When I think of chemo, I think of my body becoming frail, losing my hair and being wheeled around in a wheelchair. Although I could use the "handicap" card to get prime parking at Trader Joe's :)

The next step is to meet with an Oncologist to see how aggressive the treatment will need to be and what not. I have to say, I'm pretty calm. I am staying positive and focusing on my diet and water intake. Now more than ever I need to make sure this body of mine is getting all the good nutrients it needs to kick ass!

I also need to go and find me some pretty scarves for my melon head. I think I prefer that over a wig. Hmmmm......decisions, decisons. I hope I can look as cool as Sinead O'Conner did with her bald head. Maybe it won't be so bad, I may not lose it all. Who knows, but I want to be ready. I'd hate to frighten children.

So there you have it, that's the latest. I'm feeling good. I even sneaked in a Cosmopolitan before the kids got home from school. Amadeo and I went to the local Brewery at the beach and had ourselves some drinks. We both needed it!!!

One more thing, my friend Yvonne Hall is setting up some sort of schedule for meals and school pickups and other things that may come up.  If you have expressed to me that you would like to help, I will be sending her your email or phone number so she can coordinate with you. Not sure how this Chemo is going to go down, so Amadeo and I are trying to come up with an easy game plan.

Love you guys! And remember, for Heaven sakes.....get yourself a physical, blood work and chest x-rays every 6 months, or at least yearly.


1 comment:

  1. Melon scarves and BIG ear rings ... I think that's a great look!!! Trying to figure out this site and will email/post on your FB or something! At some point this technology crap is supposed to help right???
